CBD, online shopping, and you

by Duncan Fisher

September 09, 2022 - 2 min read

As of this year, at least a third of Americans use or have used CBD (cannabidiol) products. Marketers trying to reach buyers of these products are facing problems, however, as federal law and governing regulations change, state-by-state – or don’t. 

Hemp-derived CBD, if it contains less than 0.3% THC, is legal to produce and buy. Confoundingly for the point of sale, CBD itself has not yet been classified by the FDA as a dietary supplement. This is the legal status it needs if it’s not to be sold as a drug or an ‘untested substance’. The FDA is under pressure from lawmakers and consumers to so classify it, which will simplify life for advertisers, but resists, saying that the data fund about CBD’s safety and efficacy is still too small. 

This puts digital outlets in an uncomfortable position. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, allows CBD companies to advertise if they don’t say ‘CBD’. Makers of ‘hemp-based’ topical products must also make clear that they are not selling ingestibles. Amazon forbids listings for any cannibidiol products at all. Some sellers rebrand themselves accordingly, omitting the offending term, but leave consumers unsure of what they’re actually buying. 

It is reasonable to expect this situation to ease, once CBD-friendly bills currently before Congress pass into law, which they almost certainly will in time. Research evidence is accumulating at a rapid rate in support of these bills, showing that, properly managed, CBD is safe as a dietary supplement, and need not be designated as a drug. 

In the meantime, particularly for commercial users, like makers of pharmaceuticals or practitioner-grade preparations, high-quality CBD is abundantly available, if just not easily advertised. Non-hemp derivatives exist, furthermore, that obviate any concern over THC content restrictions. At PureForm, the derivation source for CBD is aromatic citrus terpenes, not cannabis, so there is no residual THC in any of the products that contain it. 

DiolPure products contain PureForm CBD™ transformed from aromatic terpenes for pharmaceutical-grade purity. PureForm CBD™ is bioidentical to CBD extracted from hemp and cannabis, but free of any residual cannabinoids like THC or impurities or chemicals that can associate with traditional plant-derived production processes. 

The foregoing is a report on trends and developments in cannabinoid industry research. No product description herein is intended as a recommendation for diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease or syndrome. 

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