Food, CBD, and bioavailibility

by Duncan Fisher

November 16, 2022 - 2 min read

We have written recently on the difficulty of delivering cannabidiol (CBD) systemically. Because the molecule, being hydrophobic, serum-binds at a very high rate, its oral bioavailability in vivo is very low. One of the ways to mitigate this, as we discussed, may be to deliver CBD, which is highly lipid-soluble, with particular foods.

A recent study at New Mexico State University(Mozaffari K, et al. Molecules.2021 Jun; 26(12): 3573) has tested this, assayingthe bioaccessibility of CBD in a three-phase upper digestion trial with and without food, examining lipase activity with different substrate concentrations. The food matrix was a mixture of olive oil and baby food. 

Results showed that lipase enzyme activity and fatty acid absorption increased in the presence of bile salts. This may have contributed to an increase in CBD bioaccessibility. In fed-state digestion there was higher micellarization efficiency for CBD (14.15 ± 0.6% for 10 mg and 22.67 ± 2.1% for 100 mg CBD ingested) than in fasted state digestion (0.65 ± 0.7% for 10 mg and 0.14 ± 0.1% for 100 mg CBD ingested). Why? It may be that hydrophobic molecules are rendered more bioaccessible by micelles from hydrolyzed lipids. 

It is clear, in any case, that how well CBD enters the system depends to some extent on the accompanying food matrix, and the presence of lipase and bile salts in particular. 


DiolPure products contain PureForm CBD™ transformed from aromatic terpenes for pharmaceutical-grade purity. PureForm CBD™ is bioidentical to CBD extracted from hemp and cannabis, but free of any residual cannabinoids like THC or impurities or chemicals that can associate with traditional plant-derived production processes. 

The foregoing is a report on trends and developments in cannabinoid industry research. No product description herein is intended as a recommendation for diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease or syndrome. 

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