CBD, anxiety, and sleep: A retrospective study

by Duncan Fisher

November 04, 2022 - 2 min read

There is growing evidence that CBD has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Its reputation as an anxiolytic appears justified. There has been much study in particular on anxiety and in sleep, both CNS-mediated, but surprisingly, not together. The literature has not yet explored CBD in sleep problems that are related to stress. Until now. 

Results of a retrospective multi-university study in Colorado have been recently published (Perm J. 2019;23:18-041. doi: 10.7812/TPP/18-041), on the question of whether CBD improves sleep in a clinical population under treatment for anxiety. It was undertaken as a monthly clinical chart review of 103 adult patients. 

Most patients reviewed were given 25 mg of oral CBD a day, in capsule form, a rate usually much lower than that reported in clinical literature. In cases of heavy anxiety, the dosing was every morning, after breakfast; in patients for whom sleep complaints predominated, dosing was every evening, after dinner. A few patients were given 50 mg or 75 mg. One patient with a schizoaffective disorder and a history of trauma received gradually increasing dosages to 175 mg daily. Dosing in the end reflected individual healthcare professionals’ clinical judgment. Sleep and anxiety scores were assessed with validated instruments at baseline and after CBD treatment. This was open-label treatment, and there was no comparison group. Most patients were also receiving psychiatric medications and receiving concomitant mental health services, such as counseling. 

In the final sample, of 72 patients, anxiety scores decreased in the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and remained so for the duration of the study. Sleep scores improved in the first month in 48 patients (66.7%), though these scores fluctuated. A secondary endpoint was safety. In this population, CBD was well tolerated in all but 3 cases. 


DiolPure products contain PureForm CBD™ transformed from aromatic terpenes for pharmaceutical-grade purity. PureForm CBD™ is bioidentical to CBD extracted from hemp and cannabis, but free of any residual cannabinoids like THC or impurities or chemicals that can associate with traditional plant-derived production processes. 

The foregoing is a report on trends and developments in cannabinoid industry research. No product description herein is intended as a recommendation for diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease or syndrome. 

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